Tag: Facebook Politics

How Is The U.S. Doing Under The Trump Admin?

Politics is a circus, how aptly said. The wise men of yesteryear truly know what they are talking about. From centuries ago to modern-day politics, nothing much has changed and politicians are just interested in making themselves look good while making their opponents look bad. Well, aside from looking after their vested interests, that is.

Even the people can get so emotional when it comes to their political views. And with a bigger platform like social media, friends become foes and even family members sever ties come election time. Politics should unite people but it actually does the opposite today as leaders instigate the people who believe in them to be hostile to the other party through the articles/ photos/ or videos they post on social media.

Many people engage in Facebook politics because they feel it is the only way their voice can be heard, but it does more harm than good.  It is unproductive, often negative, and tends to misdirect or waste political energy. Instead of creating crucial dialogue and engaging people in the issues of our day, it makes politics more divisive and even pushes people away from engaging in politics altogether.

In many ways, Facebook politics is an odd concept. Social norms discourage one simply blurting out controversial political opinions at a party. That would be quite rude. Instead, one normally limits political conversation to appropriate times and places

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